Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Day in the Life

A typical day for us here in Singapore isn't too different from back home.  

Wake up, get breakfast for the kids, clean up the kitchen, kill as many flies as possible, then throw in a load of laundry.

Don't forget to check for lizards.

Then we might take a trip to the market so we can eat something other than peanut butter sandwiches for the next few days.  It's best to go early before it gets too hot.  Remember to be prepared for inclement weather!

I am also supposed to water the plants. Every day.  This isn't going that well.  I thought I could get away with watering every few days since it rains often.  I've killed two trees.

This non-dead tree is my favorite:).

The other night we walked over to KFC as an upgrade to PB&J.  Pretty thrilling, I know :). 

In between these things is a lot of home school.  And fly killing, of course.

Wrap up the day with some time in the pool with friends.  

Life is good!


Clandestine Road said...

Love this. The market sounds so cool.

K said...

That is a tiny lizard, but i wouldn't want to touch one :) Are you home schooling?