Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Roaring Springs!

Kelsey and I took Shae and Kate to Roaring Springs! It was a perfect day, and we had sooo much fun! I had no idea there was so much for toddlers to do there! I think just being around Shae makes Kate more brave in the water (Shae is 1/4 merman).

Where is this child's mother?


Kelsey said...

I know I know. I tend to turn a blind eye when he is pretending to drown to avoid smiling for the camera.

Scott and Jamie said...

Suzy- that looks like a lot of fun, I want to get a season pass next year and our girls would have a lot of fun together... Congrats on the news of having a girl, that's so exciting! Well we should get together sometime (ella is starting to walk) and have our girls play together.

Just Only Me said...

Fun times in the sun! How are you? It's been a long time since we last saw you guys at the zoo in Boise! I love your blog and your family is so darling1

Caity said...

Suzy, I MISS YOU!!! Where are you? Come out and blog :)

Caity said...

What's up?

Val said...

Are you done blogging forever? How are you feeling? The big day is fast approaching!