Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Family Pictures

Once again, Mandie did a great job! Thanks Mandie!


banananutmeg said...

it's official. You have supermodel hair.
beautiful pictures, beautiful family!

We went to a murder mystery dinner 2 weeks ago with my inlaws and I thought of you with your afro. Fun times!

Caity said...

Haha! I loved the afro!

And it's true, beautiful family! And you look AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures! Jace is looking so much like Kate these days, and, Suzy, you look GORGEOUS!!

Clandestine Road said...

Grandma Twyla's fur was my favorite murder mystery outfit you sported, Suzy.

Love the pictures. You are a photogenic lot! Beautiful beautiful beautiful.

K said...

You have a BEAUTIFUL family!!!

Jetta said...

Can't believe how big Jace is, your girls look great, and holy cow HOT MAMA. You are seriously smoking. Way to go Suze

middledavis said...

Amazing pictures, Suzy. But, then, the subjects are amazing in my book.

Scott and Jamie said...

Those are the cutest family pics ever, and you look HOT! Love your hair, by the way, looks amazing. I love the little stream in the background, where were they taken?