Tuesday, March 23, 2010

English 101

Conversations with Kate:

1. The day before St. Patrick's Day, I was hitting all the local Hastings' in search of Darby O'Gill and the Little People, like most true Americans. In the car I was prepping the kids for the big day the next day. Since I have no grasp of the history of this fine holiday, I basically told them that on St. Patrick's Day, you wear green or you get pinched, if you wear red you get kissed, and little men called leprechauns play tricks on people. After this discussion we went inside to the lucky Hastings that still had one copy of the highly sought-after film. When we came out, Kate said:

"I think I'm going to wear red tomorrow. I want to get kissed."

"By whom?" I queried.

"Hmm... by someone I don't know. Maybe the jaguars."


"You know, those sneaky guys that play tricks?"

"Uhhhh, leprechauns?"

"Yeah, them."

2.We were on our way out the door yesterday, which is always a process. I opened the door to go into the garage as Kate was putting her shoes on. Afraid I was going to leave her, she very sweetly asked, "Mommy, can you hold the horses please?"

3. When we drive around, the kids and I always keep an eye out for slug bugs. They still don't know why they are called slug bugs, and I like it that way. Anyway, yesterday, we got in the car and Kate announced, "Today, I'm going to watch for ricers." I laughed out loud. I hope she has a few proud uncles out there.


Crissie said...

Is it wrong that I just watched this 3 months ago? Alone. 3 times. I am 29. You should also rent the Gnome Mobile. It's some good stuff.
