In October, we took a trip to Southern California to go to some of the attractions down there and spend time with family. Get ready for a ton of pictures.

This is some pier I can't remember the name of in San Diego.

Sea World!

(That low-riding was not for Faith's sake)
Thanks for being a trooper Mom!

Please note the sequence of events in these next few photos. Kate hugs Zoe as Elmo approaches.

Zoe distracts me while Elmo works his magic.

"Come with me, little girl. I'll give you some candy."

I then look up to see Elmo leading unsuspecting Kate off to some tent. It is also rather distressing to note that the girl's father is simply taking pictures of the abduction.

On Sunday we walked around the San Diego temple and borrowed some of their flowers...

Then we went to Balboa Park. We walked around a bit and the kids danced on the big, beautiful stage.

Kate's pulling a Michael Jackson.

Actually, she really had to go, and this was a reeeeally big park. We had to crash a formal dinner event to find the nearest bathroom.
Next up, Sand Diego ZOO! We sure didn't take many pictures, but the kids loved the playground and the polar bears. Okay, I loved the polar bears, and told them that they did too. Kate also really liked the hippos, and Faith always loves ducks. I saw the biggest baboon I've ever seen. I couldn't believe how huge it was! No, we didn't get a picture, so you'll have to imagine it.

The petting zoo was a huge hit. Faith hugged every sheep and goat there at least twice.

Mike and I reasoned that if we let Kate get her face painted, we wouldn't have to buy her a princess dress.

Universal Studios

This room that we are in had tons of these little foam balls and almost as many ways to launch them at other people. It was really fun for all of us :)
Even the vampire's seductively velvet voice and astonishing good looks could not tempt Faith.

However, Faith loves doggies.

Not to toot my own horn, but is this not a perfectly timed shot?? It brings me back to the time my family went to Universal when I was 7. We got on this very boat, and my family had me sit apart from them so I could be on the edge next to the water. An elderly couple seperated us, and I suspected nothing. Then I saw the scuba diver disappear in a cloud of blood. Next thing I knew, there was a shark fin headed our way, and there was no way on earth that I was going to stay where I was. I screamed and launched myself toward the center of the boat, using elderly laps and faces as foot holds. My parents will probably laugh when they read this, but that is only because they don't know that I've been plotting revenge for over 20 years, and when the time comes, it will be sweet indeed.

whew! They caught him!

Back to Disneyland

We headed over to California Adventure Park and we LOVED it! It was way less crowded, and Faith could ride most of the rides that Kate did. We hung out in a replica of Bug Land from Bug's Life. It was really cute. And our camera died. So once again, use your imagination.

Then we headed pack over to the Disneyland. We waited in Pixie Hollow for 45 minutes to meet...

Some random fairie that was NOT Tinkerbell. Kate had no clue who she was, but she was beautiful, so she didn't care.

On our way to the airport, we stopped at the beach. Not the wisest thing, and I should have known better since it's exactly what my family did when I was 7, and I remember sitting on the plane in wet sandy clothes for hours.
Nevertheless, it was worth it. Especially when Kate got brave enough to get in the water (it was a bit chilly). She LOVED the waves! We had a blast!

Back to Disneyland

We headed over to California Adventure Park and we LOVED it! It was way less crowded, and Faith could ride most of the rides that Kate did. We hung out in a replica of Bug Land from Bug's Life. It was really cute. And our camera died. So once again, use your imagination.

Then we headed pack over to the Disneyland. We waited in Pixie Hollow for 45 minutes to meet...

Some random fairie that was NOT Tinkerbell. Kate had no clue who she was, but she was beautiful, so she didn't care.

On our way to the airport, we stopped at the beach. Not the wisest thing, and I should have known better since it's exactly what my family did when I was 7, and I remember sitting on the plane in wet sandy clothes for hours.

I couldn't believe how well the whole trip went. The kids were awesome! The only time they acted up was when we went to my brother's house (sorry Brent and Amber!). I think Kate wet her pants twice there. Other than that, it was so wonderful! I was worried that Faith would be a bystander the whole time, but she had a blast too! She spent the 3rd day at Disneyland chanting, "Teacups! Teacups!" I'm glad I have a fun family :) I sure love them.
What a cool trip! I enjoyed the recap and was also aghast at a large man/animal walking off with an eager kid. Yikes. Faith is getting so tall!
By the way, you look gorgeous, Suzy.
You guys are SO CUTE! We took that trip when our boys were about Kate's age--isn't it fun to watch them get so excited about everything? Yay.
Who is JEN in the above comment? I'm assuming its not my sister in law, since she only has one girl as of yet.
This looks like so much fun Suzy! We are going there this summer and you got me all excited again! I haven't been since DRILL TEAM!
Wow! What a fun trip. It's great to see pics of your mom in addition to all of you :)
And what kind of fuzzy animal thinks it's ok to abduct a kid? Maybe if the kid was throwing a temper tantrum...
That makes me want to take our little girls there, but I will have to build up the strength / courage.
I really miss you guys!!
Wow, how fun to take a trip like that and do all those things! How lucky are you? So cute to see all the family pics of you guys having a great time together. Love it.
Man, you did more in like a week than we've done in a year! And, yes, very disturbing about Elmo. Who knows whose inside those things?
I am glad you guys had such a good time. Looks like we might have to give Universal a try one of these times.
What a fun vacation! Kaylynn is still talking about how she missed Kate while she was on "decation". I also love that Faith is picking her nose in the family picture, too funny!
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