Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We went on TWO road trips in the last week, about 5 hours each. The kids did great, thanks to a constant supply of snacks and a little game I like to call 'Indefinite Questions'. (It's like 20 Questions, but the subject has to be animal, and the number of questions limitless.)

It was Kate's turn to pick the animal, and it took me forever to guess it. In fact, I eventually gave up and had to ask. See if you can do better than I did:

It has 4 legs.

It lives in the jungle.

It's smaller than a horse, but bigger than a dog.

It's black.

It has no fur.

Good luck, I will post the answer sometime in the future, definitely before Halloween. (I'm joking! really, I'm sure I'll do it even before August.) (I like parenthetical expressions (especially nested ones).)


Clandestine Road said...

Is is a sloth? I guess they are grey, yes?

Your nested parenthetical asides made me smile. I like self-answering questions, myself, as illustrated above. :)

Clandestine Road said...

What I meant before was "I guess sloths are grey, so it probably isn't one." Stupid pregnancy stupids!